Fair Trade Way Walk

Sunday 21 July – Galgate to Garstang, England, UK. To celebrate Fair Trade Milestones and the bicentenary of Lancaster canal this walk will take place along the canal tow path from Galgate to the world’s...

District’s Fairtrade Status renewed

Lancaster’s new Mayor, Cllr. David Whitaker, received members of Lancaster, Morecambe and District Fairtrade Group in his parlour at Lancaster Town Hall on Thursday, June 13th. He was presented with the Fairtrade District certificate...

FAIRTRADE at Spring Fair in Caton 11th May

SPRING FAIR AND PLANT SALE CATON VICTORIA INSTITUTE Saturday 11th May 2019 10am to 12 Noon Admission £1 (Children Free) including Fairtrade Tea, Coffee and delicious Traidcraft “cookie” biscuits Plant Sale (most plants are...

Fairtrade Fortnight 2019

Once again there were many events and high activity relating to the annual Fairtrade Fortnight around the end of February and into March throughout the country. In addition to the film evening held at...

Cornerstone Fairtrade Stalls March 9th

The Cornerstone, Sulyard Street in Lancaster is hosting some Fairtrade stalls on Saturday March 9th from 11am to 2pm. The Cornerstone Café is open 9am to 3pm for snacks and light lunches. Fairtrade hot...


FILM EVENING As people arrived for this event at Halton Mill, near Lancaster, slides showing Fairtrade projects were displayed. A local representative from Shared Interest held a stall with information about how to invest...

Walkers cotton on to Fair Trade

On Wednesday 14th November Fair Trade supporters took part in the International Festival of Fair Trade Walks by walking from Galgate to Lancaster. Walkers included supporters of The FIG Tree, Fair Trade centre as...

Fairtrade Coffee Morning in Brookhouse

Wednesday 4th July 2018             10.30 to 11.45  St Paul’s Church Hall, Brookhouse Hot or cool drinks Fairtrade and other stalls Quiz, Raffle Admission 50p including refreshments CHILDREN  FREE Proceeds to...

FAIRTRADE at Spring Fair in Caton

A SPRING FAIR AND PLANT SALE  took place in May at the Caton Victoria Institute in May 2018. The refreshments were all Fairtrade certified and one of the stalls included a variety of Fairtrade...

Fairtrade Fortnight 2018

Fairtrade is promoted throughout the year by people who organise Fairtrade events and stalls. Fairtrade Fortnight is a time when special offers appear in shops and a number of extra events take place nationwide....