104 results for “Fairtrade”

An email from the Fairtrade Foundation this morning has brought the good news that Fairtrade helps fuel the fight against the Coronavirus pandemic

Every time you choose Fairtrade, you generate Fairtrade Premium funds. Then, the farmers and workers behind those products democratically decide how to best invest those funds locally.

Throughout the pandemic, many Fairtrade co-operatives have used those funds to protect the most vulnerable in their communities.

From sending vital supplies to a local elderly home and distributing thousands of face masks to giving funds to workers to ensure they have enough to get by, the Fairtrade Premium you have helped create by choosing Fairtrade has been a real lifeline this year.

So please keep up your purchase of your regular Fairtrade choices and consider seeing what other Fairtrade items you would like to try. Even if you are not regularly ordering for a delivery it may be possible to check a store for Fairtrade items on-line. I have just tried inserting the word ‘Fairtrade’ in the search box of a supermarket that has stores in Morecambe and Lancaster it came up with “104 results for ‘Fairtrade’”.  I have included the picture of one of them.

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